New products

Wideband high power amplifier consistently delivers 40 dBm from 32 to 38 GHz

ERZIA Technologies, an RF/microwave amplifier and integrated assembly company delivering COTS solutions for high-performance/high frequency applications, has announced the release of a new, compact, Wideband High Power Amplifier (WHPA) that operates from 32-38 GHz (Ka-band). Model ERZ-HPA-3200-3800-40 has been designed to offer microwave system design engineers working on Ka-band applications reliable and consistent output power across the entire band of operation. In addition to 40 dBm of dependable power, this microwave amplifier also boasts 49 dB of gain.

Wideband HP Amplifier Has 40 DBM from 32 to 38 Ghz

Our latest Wideband High Power Amplifiers (WHPAs) Consistently Deliver High Output Power Throughout Their Bands

ERZIA Technologies, an RF/microwave amplifier and integrated assembly company delivering COTS solutions for high-performance/high frequency applications, has recently announced a breakthrough in a design approach that answers the call for wideband high power amplifiers (WHPAs) that offer both broadband frequency coverage and consistent output power throughout bands as high as E-band. These wideband designs are among the first of their kind to be capable of withstanding the harshest environments while holding output power in place.

Wideband HPAs Have High Output Power Through Their Bands

ERZIA has released more than 20 new high reliable amplifiers during 2019.

ERZIA continues growing its amplifiers portfolio adding more than 20 new references providing the best performance and reliability in our customer´s systems. This achievement will increase the availability of more off-the-shelf products, mitigating risks, reducing delivery time and keeping the same high-quality production associated to the ERZIA brand.

Visit our amplifiers website to see our latest releases:

More Than 20 New High Reliable RF, HPA, & LNA Amplifiers

New LNA 2 to 18 GHz

ERZIA adds a new LNA to the wideband category operating from 2 to 18 GHz, make sure to find the solution that more fits your application between all the options that you can find in our catalogue.

New Wideband Category for LNA 2 to 18 Ghz


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