Posted: Monday, June 14, 2021
ERZIA’s AOTF (Acousto Optic Tunable Filter) RF drivers are operating in Zhurong Rover Instrumentation, specifically in the MarSCoDe (Mars Surface Compound Detector), which uses the latest spectroscopy technology to analyze the composition of the Martian rocks and soil.
ERZIA is proud to be part of the successful operation of the rover Zhurong which touched down on Mars on May 14th, 2021—ten months after Tianwen-1 orbiter left Earth. The orbiter and rover together mark first Mars mission and make only the second country to successfully land a rover there. ERZIA already has amplifiers orbiting around Mars in the Exomars mission, as well as many other space missions, but this is the first time that hardware manufactured by the company is operating on the Mars surface.
Zhurong, which was named after an ancient fire god in mythology, sent it’s first images to to earth on May 19th, 2021. The rover will begin looking for signs of ancient life and conducting geological studies for water and ice for the next three months. It is equipped with six instruments including high-resolution cameras, a subsurface radar, a multi-spectral camera, a surface composition detector, a magnetic field detector and a weather monitor, to study geology and climate—specifically in the Utopia Planitia region.
"The entire ERZIA team is extremely proud to be a part of this ultra-sophisticated scientific mission on Mars,” says Managing Director, David Diez. “This successful space communications project further demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that the RF products we design, manufacture and test will perform flawlessly, even under the harshest environmental conditions,” he added. ERZIA has played an important role in space exploration programs for many years. Prior to 1st Mars rover exploration, ERZIA has been an integral provider for interplanetary missions including three rovers on the moon’s surface during the Chang’e-3, Chang’4 and Chang’5 missions.
